Looking for a great life coach in San Diego?
San Diego Life Coach
Your Desired Life is Attainable with a San Diego Life Coach
- Do you want to live your best life?
- Feel like you might need some help?
- Most people do! Don't settle for mediocre.
- The truth is: Your realistic desired life is possible and attainable.
San Diego Life Coach Can Help You Get Unstuck
Do you desire to be the 'best version of yourself' but wonder how to create that most desired life? Are you just settling or are you in tremendous emotional pain? San Diego Life Coach understands where you are at and can help you navigate the waters back to your best self.
Call Lisa today and get your life going! (619) 722-5056

Life Coach in San Diego - Change your Life
Get a life coach and gain self-confidence, determination and …

Testimonials for my Life Coach in San Diego
Dear Lisa – Thank you so much for your time, input and sincere …

Life Goals
Life goals can be clearly defined and moved towards.

Couples / Marriage Issues
Would you like to have more joy, vibrancy, intimacy in your relationship? …
Here’s an overview of what I can do for you.
The Harmful Effects of Social Isolation on Relationships

Healthy Boundaries
A relationship goes through numerous phases during its life cycle, and it is obvious for it to have a few rough patches. However, the strength of a relationship is reflected in how the couples deal with those ...

Self Purpose and Fulfillment
Develop a plan for consistent inspired action so you are clear on exactly how to get from where you are to where you want to go. Now is your time to find out how to get beyond the limits and fears and really start living with fulfillment.

Developing Social Skills
Many people today lack Social Skills. I work with clients on learning the 'art of healthy socializing' and how to comfortably embrace social activities and relationships. Call me today!
PreviousI didn't even really get what a life coach did and honestly, thought it was like a backup job that someone does when they've run out of ideas. Except for a select few - of which I can only think of one person I know who was literally born to do this. Lisa Sawicki is the most emotionally intelligent person I know. I'm guessing that term has a lot of definitions bit, to put it simply, she gets it. She listens, processes and zeroes in as if almost by magic. And I'm not the "life is a bowl of cherries" person who is into each new fad. Those who know me would probably say I'm the polar opposite. Trust does not come easy to me, but I wholeheartedly trust Lisa's desire and ability to dig in and get to the root of the issue with compassion and without judgement. And it comes naturally to her for her - helping me realize that I had lost my way - with my husband. She talked me through it and I gotta tell you, with Lisa's gentle guidance I've unlocked something that has allowed me to reconnect with the man I thought I had lost.
My skills are getting sharper and I'm staying on point with people better. I'm receiving more from people as they see an individual who has some apparent depth. Still looking to walk to a farmers market with some woman. I know it will happen some day. I continue to believe in you. For you came along at the right time to impart just what I needed to move forward. Your believing in me is one of a number of anchors in my life. Thank you!