Testimonials for my Life Coach in San Diego

What finding a life coach in San Diego did for me!

Dear Lisa –

Thank you so much for your time, input and sincere help today. It really means the WORLD to me as I navigate these very new unchartered waters.

You are a GREAT coach.

Thank you,

You are a very wise and compassionate person and a brilliant Coach! You are teaching me and guiding me to break patterns and strongholds in relationships and within my own mind/psyche that have been keeping me from living my divine purpose… This is a very exciting, yet challenging ongoing process of self actualization that is ” building my muscles” on all levels… It is so empowering to be working with you at this time in both of our lives! I feel that you are helping me to prepare for, as well as enjoy this glorious and exciting new decade we both are about to embark upon with courage, confidence, strength, enlightenment and joyous anticipation… I can’t wait to see and experience the miracles God has in store for us! I believe that ” God helps those who help themselves”, and I think we are both purposefully manifesting and designing the lifestyles and relationships we want and deserve by honoring ourselves and others, and doing so in a pure,
” emotionally clean” way. Wow! It just feels so good to have a kindred spirit in terms of our respective morals and values! You are an amazing human being and a consummate professional, and I respect and appreciate your wisdom, compassion, patience and talents more than you will ever know… Working with you is profoundly inspiring and life-affirming, as well as life-altering. It is truly an honor and a privilege to be working and growing with you, and I feel so blessed and excited to have you in my life!

Thank you so much, Lisa!

Self Coaching

Self Coaching is Hard

It’s extremely difficult to pull yourself up and look down at a situation that you find yourself in the middle of and look …

emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence for Students: Tips & Resources

This is an article from Ivy Panda and it’s a good one to understand. For the full article go here: https://ivypanda.com/blog/emotional-intelligence-for-students/ …

self sabotage help

How to Stop Self Sabotage

Self Sabotage – With Lisa Lapides Sawicki, Certified Life Coach Have you ever set a realistic and attainable self improvement …