Need Life Help?
If you need I’m here to help!
My name is Lisa Sawicki and I am a certified Life Coach in San Diego, California. For years I’ve been helping people who need life help.
- You ( your current situations and results, inner thoughts, outer responses )
- Other people ( all relationships including family)
- What’s the healthiest and smartest way to interact with all your relationships..especially the most important ones (** Including YOU)
- What you are really a “NO” to and what you are really a “YES” to (so you don’t regret or resist something or someone you ‘signed up’ for)
- Your flow of energy and your primary needs ( enough daily quality time to yourself for yourself, good sleep and nutrition, positive people , positive experiences….not too busy…pace yourself)
- Take the time to intelligently and emotionally process your small and large decisions seek expert advice when necessary…not friends)
- Accept your decisions and when you have tried to do your best ( don’t allow yourself to keep 2nd guessing yourself once you’ve made your best decision…it will drive you crazy)
- PAUSE before you speak to keep your composure and control…the best you can. Work on this and practice
- Healthy Relationships = Healthy Boundaries…..Mandatory
- Always : Self Aware, Self Love, Self Accept, Self Confidence , Self Compassion and Self Patience with Daily Self Coaching
This is conscience living. If you need life help these are ‘the rules’.
Here are some other articles when you need life help:
Boating with a certified life coach