Feeling Freedom Around Food
Interested in Feeling Freedom Around Food?
Most people have food restrictions and food allergies today even if it is the most common one of gaining weight.
That being said, an individual(s) inside a family should never be made to feel different or high maintenance. We all have learned that each one of us has to manage food lifestyle choices. No person escapes that for physical comfort and health.
It’s important to not feel like you’re just someone with diabetes. Understand we are ‘all on the same playing field’. We all need to make eating a healthy and desirable experience. Come at the issue from delicious ‘food abundance’ as opposed to ‘food deprivation’.
What are some of the things you can do to gain freedom around food?
- Use of color, textures, tastes, presentation, herbs, spices and variety
- Think about food as the ‘Gift of Nourishment and the Gift of Eating’
- Keep your food looking fresh, organized, and easy to see and get to from your refrigerator.
- Plan great meals ahead of time and enjoy the process of that preparation
- Know the restaurants that work well for everyone with all their various food needs.
- Make all of this a priority and a real food art project. Make it fun and embracing.
- Create some easy and healthy ‘go to’ snacks when you have zero energy or time to create a meal.
- Have in-stock the foods you love ready to go in your refrigerator and your car
Star your new food / ‘eating art 4 life ‘ project right now. Make time to think and prepare. Embrace it with creativity, insight and passion. We have to eat…smart. Just like anything else we have to do things to obtain our best results. Consequently, if we have to eat smart then I say let it be enjoyable and delicious!
It is incredibly worth the overall healthy results and good, freeing feelings. Here is another article you can read about freedom from food.
If you have other questions about food, dieting, or just getting your skills around food dialed in call me! So, I’m happy to meet with you in person and give you even more life skills about this very important matter.
~Lisa Sawicki