Coach Yourself and Become Productive, Creative, and Peaceful
It is possible, even in these trying times, to be productive, creative and peaceful. How you ask?
Let me show you techniques that will:
- manage your daily emotions and upsets
- understand “next step” actions and options
- become self aware so that logic and reason can rule you
- become aware of “circumstancial awareness” that will allow that logic and reason to work
- learn effective problem solving skills
Don’t spend your precious life worrying and feeling anxious about whatever it is that is going on. There is way out. Remember, that life challenges are what is forging your character and so rising up to face them is mandatory. But being overwhelmed is counterproductive.
Is it really possible to coach yourself?
I’ve been a life coach for years and have taught many, many people the skills they need to cope. I call it self-coaching. Why is it important to know how to do this? Because you can’t have a life coach with you at every moment. So, you need these skills that you can use whenever, and wherever you are. Easy right?
Well, it’s not that easy unless you have someone give you the tips and techniques that really work. Life can overwhelm us. When that happens it becomes very difficult to see things objectively. You begin to feel sorry for yourself and depression can set in. What’s the best way out of that spiral? A great life coach who can teach you how to coach yourself.
To learn how to coach yourself call me!
Don’t hesitate to call me. We can schedule a time to meet via Zoom or in person and you can start on the road to learning how to COACH YOURSELF through life’s trials and tribulations.
Don’t hesitate, call me and get control of your life today!
(619) 722-5056
or email me at: lisa@selfcoachnow.us