Category: <span>Anxiety</span>

Self Coaching


Trouble Getting Through Your Days? Maybe Self Coach Methods are the ANSWER!

self coachYou’re not alone! Life can seem like a struggle. Remember:

  1. Life and living well can be challenging. You have the ability to self coach yourself to a better life.
  2. Relationships vary and so does the skill set to maintain and grow them.

We all strive for peacefulness, love, passion, joy, accomplishment, being present, high self-esteem, being open and adaptable, excitement and feeling lovable. Because life and relationships can be very challenging, we can sometimes or often feel upset, hurt, rejection, loneliness, anger, resentment, fear and pressure. Those very feelings cause extremely harmful stress to our emotions and physical body and will cause depression and feelings of being ‘shut down’.

At San Diego Life Coach we can show you how to be in charge of not only your direction, but your life! You are the one called to parent your self. Don’t believe the world view that says hardships should be avoided. Look to hardship and challenges to use as a springboard towards growth and self-mastery. We all have the ability to gain a positive focus.

No one ever teaches you how to properly Coach Yourself for this journey called “LIFE”.

So many people just keep reacting and “Winging it”.

However, there is a do-able solution to this:

*Fact: We are actually coaching and directing ourselves in each area of our life about 16 waking hours a day whether we are doing it productively, unproductively or even destructively..    We want to live a fulfilling life worth living.

Because your life is important and matters deeply to you, you must start NOW to consciously, emotionally and healthily “Daily Self-Coach”. It’s fun, it’s easy and I can teach you how to do it for yourself!

  1. Start taking Control of Your Life by learning self coach techniques
  2. Learn “Daily Self Coaching Skills” NOW

For a free 1/2 hour introductory session call Lisa Sawicki, Certified Life Coach


Self Coaching

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